Sunday, January 22, 2017

Summary (for all the times I didn't post)

What a year it has been! So many good and wonderful things have happened. Definitely not the way I expected things to go, but it has been an amazingly good journey. 2016 is passed and 2017 is upon us. Let me take the time to sum up how my 2016 went.

 New Years!

For 2016 we celebrated the New year by have a full on fondue party. The fondue was amazing and the whole family was excited for the new year.

First smooth competition

In February, Cesar and I competed smooth for the very first time. We took second place and had a whole lot of fun. 

Nationals Happened! 

Kyla and Joe became the national amateur smooth champions, showing me that nothing is impossible you just have to believe. Lyvia and Ryan danced beautifully and I had a wonderful experience dancing with Cesar. 

 Parents trip to Florida
(Also March)

Mom and Dad took a week long trip to Florida. It was a long week to watch the kids, but we were kind of repaying them for all they did for us at nationals.

We moved again

In April the family moved to Lehi.  It was a hard move, meaning physically hard not mentally, but it put us closer to dance, which made everyone happy.

We attended a BYU Volleyball game

We had the privilege of going to a BYU volleyball game as a family. It was super fun and entertaining. If your wondering where Kyla was, she was going to prom. :)

New Partner

What an amazing opportunity! After losing my partner in March I was so fortunate to find an wonderful new dance partner. His name is Braden and he is awesome. We have loved dancing together.

We all preformed in a showcase 

We were all able to preform in a showcase for our studio. It was lots of work, but it was all worth it. It was practically the Zenger show because all 6 Zenger's were in it.


We went and saw the Jungle Book as a family. It was a pretty good movie that was fun to go see. It was even better though to spend time with family.

 BYU tour team showcase

We kept the tradition of the girls always going to see the BYU tour team showcase. It was a good show with good dancing, but nothing can beat a good time with the girls.

Unexpected Trip to Vegas

So my family has this tradition of always going to Vegas for a week in the summer to spend time with cousins and what not, but this year I wasn't going to go because I really wanted to stay and dance, However my dad convinced me somehow that a break would be good for my dancing, so the day before I packed and went to Vegas for a week.

Rodeo Time

As a family we kept our yearly tradition of attending the Lehi Round up Rodeo. It was so fun, probably one of the best moments of 2016. 

Family Hike

My family and I took a hike which was really fun because I was with family, out in nature, and getting exercise.

Workout week

Though this week was hell, I would not take any of it back. I loved all of it. It improved my dancing, my mind, my stamina, and my love for dancing.

4th of July

We were able to attend the Thanksgiving firework show for the 4th of July. The fireworks were big and bright and I was very grateful for my wonderful family and country.


 EFY! That is all I can say because words cannot sum up how amazing EFY was. It was a life change experience that I will never forget. The people were amazing and the atmosphere was unforgettable!

BYU Summer competition

Though I didn't compete I was able to watch these cuties rock the dance floor. Made me so grateful for the sport that I do.

NV Ball

This was Braden and I's first competition as partners. I was so good to be out on the floor and I was truly grateful for the wonderful opportunity to dance.


I had the opportunity to participate in a photo shoot for my studio. I have never done a photo shoot before, but afterwards I was actually considering being a model. :)

Autumn Dance Classic
 I had the most amazing opportunity to go and compete down in San Fransisco. It was the most amazing experience that I will forever cherish. I had a wonderful time dancing and touring.

My Birthday

I turned 16! Yeah! I turned 16, got my license, and had an amazing day. I am so blessed to have been born into such an amazing family.

Orem Competition

This was an awesome competition. We did very well mentally and physically. We got 3 firsts and 1 second. But most importantly, we danced well.


Since we are not super big into trick-or-treating, my family and I went out to a super nice restaurant, went bowling, and played some really fun arcade games. I had a fun night and realized that I am just awful at bowling.

Another showcase

We were able to participate in another showcase full of fun and enjoyment. We did a nerd number which was really silly but also very fun. 


Thanksgiving was a blast. Instead of having to cook everything and clean up everything we went to a big buffet instead. It was very good and made me realize how grateful I am for everything.

BYU Christmas Concert

This was my first Christmas concert on the BYU Youth A team. It was an amazing experience full of fun and great dancing

Eclipse Concert

Our tradition is to go and see Eclipse in Concert every December! I absolutely love this show and had a great time being with my family. 

Holiday Dance Classic

Another awesome competition. I love competing out of state, I love dancing, and I love my family very much. 

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we went and saw the movie "Sing". It was a cute movie that taught me to chase your dreams no matter what.  

Well, that's a wrap. 2016 was a very challenging yet very fun year. I had so many amazing experiences that taught me great things! Good bye 2016, hello 2017!!!!!

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