Sunday, October 25, 2015

I love my family!

I am truly blessed to have a family.  I love them so very much and could not be more grateful for them. I know that we are sealed together for eternity and I know that if we are righteous we can all obtain eternal life.  They lift me up and comfort me when I am in need of comfort.  Thank you Mom and Dad for caring about me and loving me no matter if I mistakes.  I could not be more grateful for all they do for me. 

Fall break, with my wonderful family!

 For our fall break we did many many fun things.

On Thursday we went to Boondocks fun center.  I drove there, which was very scary, but I made it. :)  We started the day off with a game of miniature golfing.  I have now realized that I am not a good golfer and I am glad I chose to dance instead.   After that we rode the go-carts multiple times which was very fun.  I tried my hardest, but ended up in second place.  I am not competitive at all. :)   We did bumper carts which was not a smart idea, because I got all wet, but it was still fun. :(   The arcade was also very fun.  There was this 3D Zombie shooting game, which I won. Like I said, not competitive at all.  One things about an arcade that my family doesn't really do is win tickets, but after MaCade won 500 tickets from one game we decided to try and get as many tickets as we could.  We ended up with 1,200 tickets!! Crazy.  I have never had that many tickets.  The best part was not buying a toy from the tickets, but playing with my family to win them.

    Later that day when, after spending 3 hours at Boondocks we finally decided we were hungry and we went out to lunch at GoodWood.  I ate so much food I thought I would explode, but luckily I did not.  We went to Gardner Village, which personally wasn't that great.   I remember as a kid it being fun to see the witches, but when we went there was only a couple witches and just a lot of shops.  :(  Though it was still fun to be with the family.  

Later that night we went to see a movie.  Hotel Transylvania 2.  It was cute, but in a weird way. :)  

On Friday, we rode the tracks up to Salt lake City.  While riding the train we all took a quiz it see what our spirit animals were.  I was a wolverine:  Very assertive and likes to be the leader.  Yep, sounds like me.    When we got to Salt lake we ate at Olive Garden, OG Dad called it.  After a fabulous meal we went and saw some of the church sites.  The temple was stunning against the bright blue sky and it reminded me that I want to get married in the temple some day and start a family raised in righteousness.  

Happy birthday, 15 year old!

Wow, I cannot believe I am already 15!   Time does fly by way to fast.  It was not to long ago that I was born into my amazing family and that 15 years have already gone by.  I feel like half of my life is over already.   :)

My birthday was on a Monday, but since I had school that day we decided to celebrate it on Saturday.     On Monday I got balloons from Mom and Dad, a present from Grandma and Papa talking about being hooked on good, and lotion from Lyvia.  That afternoon that family and I went out to Zupas for lunch, which was delicious, and then I had dance the rest of the day.

On Saturday I went shopping with Mom.  I got a lot of new clothes that were cute and I went out to P.F. Changs for dinner with Mom and Dad.   The food was very good and the chocolate cake I got was amazing.  I am so grateful to Mom and Dad for all they do for me.

Then, that next Wednesday, Mom took me to the DMV where I got my learners permit and now can drive!   I passed the test on my first try getting a 44 out of 50 and Mom let me drive home from the DMV.

I had an amazing birthday.

Labor day 2015

With Kyla and mom being gone for Labor day, Dad decided to spoiled us by riding the tracks up to Salt Lake City and spending the day up there.  We walked around city creek and temple square,  (We saw a bride.  To cute!)   and we ate dinner at the Garden.  The restaurant at the top of the Joseph Smith building.   The sunset was amazing and I could not ask for a better family!  I had a wonderful day.