Sunday, October 19, 2014

My birthday!

Well, I am 14 now!  Yay!  I do feel wiser and older. =) A couple of fun things I did on my birthday was the night before I went shopping, I got to listen to General Conference on my birthday day, and then yesterday my awesome friends and I went to laser tag!  IT WAS SO FUN!  I had a blast!  I really cannot explain how great it was!  We really need to do it again! Thanks to everyone for making my day so special.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy Birthday!

It is almost my birthday and I am very excited!  I turn 14 on October 5th! I hope to feel older and wiser. :) Being 13 has been great!  I have had many fun exciting experiences.  Here are a couple things that have happened on my birthday.

  • 1568 - Conference of York begins: trial against Mary Stuart.

  • 1665 - The University of Kiel is founded.

  • 1796 - Spain declares war on England

  • 1900 - Harry Vardon wins US Open golf tournament

  • 1916 - Adolf Hitler is injured

  • 1944 - Suffrage is extended to women in France.

  • 1988 - Brazil adopts its Constitution

  • 2000- Alayna Zenger was born. :) 

  • 2001 - Barry Bonds hits his 71st home run, breaking Mark McGwire's record of 70 for the most home runs hit in a single season (Bonds would end up with 73 in total)

  • 2014- General Conference is held!

Galaxy Dance Competition!!!!

This past weekend, my coach and other couples from my dance studio went down to Arizona to compete!  IT WAS SO FUN!  It was my very first time on a plane,  I loved it!  We arrived there on Thursday and left Sunday.   We all helped teach a master class with girls from 6-12.  It was great!  We competed, swam, talked, and just had fun!  I am grateful to everyone who made that trip such a fun one!

Helping teach the master classes. :)

At the comp with everyone!

A dress that a store at the comp was selling!  I
love it!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Las Vegas!

Last week I competed in a ballroom dance competition in Las Vegas!  So so fun!  I had the best time! The competition was held in the Wynn! The floor was amazing, the hotel was amazing, the dancing was good also.  I love competition out of state!

I am ready for school to start!

I am ready for school to start!  Even though I feel like summer has gone by way to fast!  

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I love the gospel!

I love the gospel! It has blessed my life in so many ways.  I know that Jesus Christ lives and I always want to follow Him. I love the Spirit.  I know that the temple is the house of the Lord.  I believe and know that the Book of Mormon is true.  It teaches me something new each time I read it. I am very grateful for the Atonement. I am grateful for eternal life and forgiveness. I am grateful for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! I love them. I am also very grateful for eternal marriage and that my family and I can be sealed together for all eternity. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shakespeare Showdown 2014!

Last week was Shakespeare Showdown from Monday to Wednesday!  I had the best time ever!  I went up on Monday morning with my Shakespeare group.  When we got there we found our cabins and then went to meet our counselors.  We started on the skits for Shakespeare idol, saw other groups plays, talked, ate and had a great time that day.  On Monday night was the dance!  I had the best time! I got to dance with a lot of boys.  Super fun night! The last dance was amazing!
 On Tuesday we performed our play, worked on our skits, watched more plays, did workshops, had games, and ate.  Tuesday night was Shakespeare idol but none of the people in our group made it into the final so we just went over to our campsite and had a fire.  It was really fun!  Wednesday we signed shirts, cleaned the camp, said goodbye and went home.
:(  I miss all my friends already and I cannot wait for the cast party this Saturday!  I had a blast at showdown!

The car ride up!

Meeting the counselors!

Shoulder Angle by Garren and Isaac.

Best friends!

Watching the plays.  We may have got a little distracted. :)

Third Wheel!

Do you see Solomon and I in the background?


There was a play that we watched called the
Tempest.  It was in gothic style.  Scary! This is us after the
My face during the WHOLE play!

Right before the dance.

Love you, Sid!

Cards in the girls cabin!

Tech Crew!  They are all awesome!

Bonfire! We burned the podium!

Madison, one of my best friends! 

Shirt signing!

So popular!

Car ride home!