Friday, August 23, 2013

My Amazing Family!

Here is my amazing family! I love each one of them. Each one of my family members has a separate picture I will be writing something about each one. My family i my treasure. I love them so much! Aiden and Rayanna are so cute even though they are not smiling. :)
My Dad is amazing! He is very smart, loving, handsome, and very funny!
He as a great laugh and his smile can brighten anyones day!

Rayanna is the number six! She is very spunky
and a ball of fire!She is very cute and is very fun to be around!
She has a very bright spirit!
My Mom is wonderful! She homeschools all
six of us. WOW! She is very patient, caring, and very loving.
And even when we are hard she still loves us.
Aiden is the drama king, but he is also fun
to be around. His smile makes me smile. His laugh is
so cute! I am glad I have Aiden in my life.

If I could use only one word to describe Kyla it would be "Fun".
Kyla is funny, easy going, and smart! Kyla is very
fun to be around!
MaCade is as thinker. He is good at building legos,
blocks, and forts. I always call him bud. He is amazing!
I am glad I have 2 brothers.
Lyvia is a chatter box. She loves to talk.
She is also very funny. I love her very much.  She
has a great imagination!

Hi. I am a spunky 12 year old that loves ballroom
dance. I am very into my bunnies and animals.
I love water and I enjoy being outside.

All because two people fell in love.
Our new family picture for 2013!